If you don't find the answer you are looking for, please contact us.
Do you offer a warranty?
Zorb offers a 30 day, money-back guarantee. The Zorb has one of the lowest return rates of any product on the market, with one of the highest repeat purchase rates. 99.8 percent of Zorb customers are fully satisfied. Many who buy a Zorb often purchase additional Zorbs. We offer bulk-pack pricing for 10 units or more, which includes free shipping. Many of our customers buy the Zorb for gifts and give these to help protect their family, friends, loved ones and others they care about. Bulk packs are commonly purchased by our customers for use with multiple personal devices. The average college student now has 5 wireless connectable devices.
What devices is the Zorb compatible with?
The Zorb is compatible with all devices, such as iPad and iPhones, Kindle, Android Devices and Phones, Samsung Tablets, all Smartphones, Cordless phones, Computer Monitors, Wifi hotspots, and even Baby monitors. Simply peel colored adhesive and apply the Zorb to your device. Protection begins instantly and continues for up to three to five years depending on usage.
Is Zorb verified by a third-party?
Yes. The Zorb technology is proven in third-party independent labs, certified by the FCC. These are the same labs that test the mobile devices themselves for FCC regulatory compliance.
Can the Zorb damage the cellular device?
No. The Zorb technology is proven in third-party independent labs, certified by the FCC. These are the same labs that test the mobile devices themselves for FCC regulatory compliance.
How long (how many years) does the Zorb lasts?
On the average, we recommend replacement approx. every 3 to 5 years. (under normal usage)
Does the Zorb reduce radiation from the front? The back? The sides of the phone?
The Zorb will offer protection covering the entire cellular device.
Was the SAR testing done when the call was made? When the phone was at rest?
SAR Testing was conducted during all operational Modes.
Was SAR testing done using a GSM?
Does the Zorb negatively affect the performance of the cellular device?
Does the Zorb affect the cellular devices performance?
What is the Zorb made of?
The Zorb consists of 21 minerals engulfed in a ceramic base that has been designed to ABSORB up to 91 % of the harmful. E.M.F. waves being generated by today’s cellular devices.
Can a single Zorb protect its user from numerous devices?
No. We recommend that each cellular device be protected with its own ZORB.
If I purchase a new cellular device, can I transfer my Zorb to the new device?
Yes, we recommend that you carefully remove the Zorb from the old device and reapply it to the new one(if you like, you can use a little adhesive glue to secure it to your new device).
Can I attach the Zorb to the phone or the phone case?
You can attach the Zorb to either the phone or the phone case.
Where do I attach the Zorb on the cell phone?
You can attach TheZorb on the back of all cell phones (all models & manufacturers) on the right or left side of the camera. Click here to learn more. Any other questions please call.
Where do I attach the Zorb radiation absorber on various wireless devices?
Please read our blog for more information on where to place Zorb on your wireless devices.
Do you offer an Affiliate Program so I can sell the Zorb on my website or blog?
Yes, we do! We've partnered up with UpPromote. Refer visitors and earn up to 17% commissions of any purchase made on our website. Click here to register!